Teaching and Mentoring

Below are some of the ways you can become more involved with our mission of creating disciples for the transformation of the world by working to help with church education and activities. For more information on any of these programs, email info@jwumchurch.org.
Working with adults

- Sunday School teacher on a rotating basis
- Take on a role in one of the adult Sunday School Classes — secretary, treasurer, activity leader
- Short-term class leader/facilitator
- Lead/participate in Bible Study
- Help with age-level ministries or
Wednesday Night Out activities - Leisure Ministries (softball, basketball)
- Coordinate blood drives
- Coordinate Primetimers activities
- Help with the Pumpkin Patch
Working with Youth

- Assist Director of Youth Ministries
- Help cook and serve a meal to high school youth
- Sunday Morning Group leader — Middle or high school students once a month
- High School Adult Leader — Lead high school students on Sunday nights during the school year
- Salkehatchie Leader – Spend a week with nearly 100 high school youth working on homes in rural South Carolina
- Care Team – Make youth feel special and take care of them in time of need and recognizing special accomplishments.
- Contact Team – Help keep contact information up to date for youth and their families
- Prayer Team – Collect and pray for youth issues weekly
- Acolyte Coordinator — Coordinate and train the middle school students who participate in the Acolyte MInistry at John Wesley.
- Assist with Pumpkin Patch
Working with Children

- Assist Director of Children’s Ministries
- Teach pre-school or elementary school Sunday School once a month
- Give children’s sermon during worship service
- Work with Children’s Church (during the Sunday morning services for those children who do not remain in the sanctuary)
- Choir helper (Wednesday nights and some Sundays)
- Children’s Prayer Team and Kid’s Council leader/helper
- Hall monitor/usher
- Vacation BIble School volunteer
- Summer Soccer Camp Coach/Volunteer
- Kid’s Ways to Praise Music Camp volunteer
- Friday Night in the Gym chaperone
Tags: serving others