The Brian Moody Class offers a chance for college age young adults to late 20’s to study bible-based lessons with some real world perspective and experience added. This class offers a casual feel and welcoming environment great for any young adult looking to give a Sunday School a try.

Sunday School Classes
Not just for the kids! Our thriving Adult Sunday School Classes are the foundation of how people form deeper friendships within the congregation. These groups provide a place for peers to foster their faith development in a Christian community. In these classes, you will find adults who participate in the ministries of the church and demonstrate their commitment to God. Come and visit an Adult Sunday School and see why this such a great place to get plugged into the John Wesley community.
Brian Moody Class

Genesis Class
This class offers a home for both marrieds and singles in their 30’s to 40’s. They use the Christian Lectionary to engage and relate biblical studies to current topics relevant in today’s world. This class also participates in a variety of outreach projects such as Star Gospel Mission. The Genesis Class, sporting a casual atmosphere complete with laughter, meets in Room 215.
Made up of people in their 40’s to early 50’s. They enjoy Bible-based lessons each week as well as a monthly mission project or social event. This class is very active in the many ministries of JWUMC, in service and in fellowship. You are invited to become a part of this dynamic group of adults as they seek to live out their faith and the teachings of Jesus. They meet in Room 217/219.

The Thackston Class consists of mostly married couples ages ranging from late 40’s to almost 60. A team of class members serves as teachers utilizing Biblically-based lessons to inform contemporary issues and daily life. They feature a casual atmosphere and enjoy lively discussions.
Red Williams
Members of Red Williams include couples and singles, and new members are always welcome. Lively, vibrant, go-go Senior Citizens make up this group staying in close, prayerful touch with each other via internet and social media. Their credo is “On Christ the solid rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” They have monthly social gatherings and actively support such organizations as Halos, Epworth Children’s Center, The Wesleyan Foundation and other outreach initiatives.

Chi Rho
The name Chi Rho is the Christian monogram and symbol formed from the first two letters (X and P) of the Greek word for Christ—called also Christogram. The Chi Rho Class has been around for 35+ years and members range in age from early 60’s to early 70’s. Chi Rho Class enjoys a monthly social and sometimes gathers for special projects and service/ fundraising events.

Sunday Seminar

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