We believe it is our responsibility to nurture and to teach children about God’s love in a safe and loving environment. Children are encouraged to attend worship at John Wesley. During the service, we have a dedicated Children’s Sermon, where the kids come to the front of the church for a short lesson. When this is done, kids can sit with the parents or go to Children’s Church until the service is finished. For little tikes, we offer a nursery that is available for all worship services and for almost everything else that happens around John Wesley.

Helping Kids meet their best friend

A special invitation to families with children
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
― Luke 18:16
Children's Ministries
The Children’s Ministry runs all year long at John Wesley. Below you will find information on what we offer during the school year as well as our summer programs. We look forward to your family being part of our Church!
Choirs on Wednesday
The various kid’s choirs perform about once a month during morning worship or for special services. All practices take place at Wednesday Night Out which takes place in the gym from 5:30 to 6:30pm and runs September through May each year.
- Cherub: These are the youngest vocalists with everyone being just three years old. Wesley Choristers: This choir is made up of ages four years old to first grade.
- Covenant Singers: This is the rest of elementary school aged kids from second to fifth grade.
Sunday Offerings
Our Sundays include the kids too. For the smallest bundles of Joy we offer a nursery. We provide nursery care for children age 6 weeks-3 years for all regular and special worship services, Sunday School. Our nursery staff is CPR/First Aid certified and trained in our Safe Sanctuaries policy.
During Service, children attend worship in the sanctuary through the Children’s Sermon, and then go down to hall to the preschool classroom for Children’s Church with a volunteer teacher.
Children’s Church 2, is in the fall and is for first graders and younger elementary children (who haven’t previously completed the class) and is a six week class about the sacraments of Baptism and Communion. This course serves as a transition between our regular Children’s Church Program and staying in “big church.”
Wednesday is more than just singing though, it is a time of food, fellowship and outreach for kids. Check out some of the other offerings for children below.
- Kids’ Council: The 2nd through 5th graders meet in the Parlor the second Wednesday of each month to plan events, activities, and missions projects.
- Children’s Prayer Team: 2nd through 5th graders are invited to learn more about prayer and participate in an intercessory prayer team in the Parlor the 4th Wednesday of the month.
Summer Fun
Vacation Bible School
The 2022 session of VBS at JWUMC will be held July 25-29 and is open to all children ages 4 through 5th grade. VBS is offered one week, Monday-Friday from 9:00am to noon, and features a performance of participants at the end of the session. Go here for more information and to sign your child up.

Summer Sports Camp
In July 2022, we will offer a summer sports camp for children ages 4 through 8th grade for four evenings (5:00-8:00PM) at Lenevar Park in West Ashley. Coordinated by our Church Members who are local coaches in the area, it is a great time. For more information, see this page. See you at the fields!
Kids Ways to Praise
Kids’ Ways to Praise, our annual summer music camp is being combined with VBS in the summer of 2022. Open to ages 4-6th grade, the combined session is offered for one week, Monday-Friday from 9:00am – noon and features a performance of participants at a Sunday service. Hope to see you there!

Sunday School
We offer Sunday School classes for every age level, preschool and elementary all year round! The classes are divided by grade level through 5th. Starting in 6th grade it is middle school youth and then in 9th grade, high school youth begins. All Sunday School meet from 9:45 to 10:45a every Sunday.
MayDay PlayDay 2022
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