Opportunities for Service


The JWUMC Calendar is full of opportunities to help others while serving the church.   To learn more about each of these opportunities, contact the church office (843.755.5596) or email info@jwumchurch.org.

Blessing Boxes — Buy some extra non-perishable items to put in the Blessing Boxes in West Ashley any time. The need is great. On the first Saturday of every month, you can help with Saturday Servants. Meet in the church parking lot at 9 AM and place pre-packed sack lunches in the Blessing Boxes in West Ashley.

Helping with Children  — We have a need for Sunday School teachers for our children and youth, Children’s Church teachers and Children’s Sermon Volunteers. Volunteers are also needed to help with the Sunday evening meals for our youth group. John Wesley is a safe sanctuary church. Volunteers who work with children and youth must complete Darkness-to-Light training.

Wonderful Wednesdays  — Help with setup and cleanup of the weekly meal. There is also a need for help with children’s activities in the gym from 6:30 – 7:00 pm each Wednesday.

4th Sunday mornings — If you are willing to cook and deliver breakfast to Star Gospel Mission, contact the coordinator Luke Miles by email for more information: lukemiles077@gmail.com.

Stephen Ministry — If you have a heart for listening and helping others, you might be interested in the Stephen Ministry where volunteers work with others experiencing loss or grief.

We frequently hear the saying, Many Hands Make Light Work. Your hands can help others by sharing God’s love in proactive ways.

scenes from sports camp, Montreat and VBS

Events thru July 2024

In addition to Sunday worship, Sunday night Youth and Wednesday...

scenes from sports camp

Registration now open for summer sports camp and VBS

Get your children involved with John Wesley UMC this summer...

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