Fall 2022 Programs Begin

boys with new Bibles


bible presentation-girls

Fall is a busy time for youth and children at John Wesley. There are the annual punpkin sales but plenty of other programs going on for all ages.

On September 11, our third graders received their new Bibles from Pastor Ken and Pastor Steve during the early and late worship services.  

Other activities starting up:

Wonderful Wednesdays — Dinner and rehearsals for the children and  youth choirs.

Our rehearsals on Wednesdays will also be the time we prepare for the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve worship service which will be presented entirely by children and youth. Singing / Ringing in worship is not a requirement for participation in our choirs, but it is a great way to learn how to lead in worship and serve God.

Children’s Church 2 — Touch the Water, Taste the Bread – Sept. 25-October 30th
Communion on Sunday, November 6 @ 9:35 AM

Children’s Church 2 is a six-week program for first graders and younger elementary students who have not previously been in the program. It is held during all three morning worship services. We are offering this program to all first and second graders and any other elementary students who may have missed it. The children will leave the sanctuary after the Children’s Sermon, same as the 4 and 5-year olds; however, the Children’s Church 2 kids will go to a different room for a program called Touch the Water, Taste the Bread, which explains the sacraments of Baptism and Communion.  Then on November 6th the children will be asked to join us with their parents to take Holy Communion in the sanctuary.

For more information, email info@jwumchurch.org.

Middle School and HIgh School Youth actiiteis and programs begin on Sept. 11th.

Buy a pumpkin. Support Youth Missions and Hurricane Relief.

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