Advent Mission Projects 2022

John Wesley offers many ways for people to share their blessings with others. Opportunities include the following:
December 12 @ 6 PM – 
Join with the United Women in Faith (formerly UMW) to stuff stockings to go to MUSC Children’s Hospital or the men at Star Gospel Mission. To sign up or find out what is needed for this event, check out this link.
The UWF will also be taking up a collection that evening to support the WORLD THANK OFFERING to help women, children and youth in need.
The evening will also include a cookie-decorating session featuring our own Charlotte Downs. For more details, go here.
December 17 – 9-11 AM
This is our annual Advent Mission Day for December. Choose among the four projects listed below and decide how you can help. To sign up for any of these projects and help us plan, check out this link.
Christmas Dinner in Blessing Box
Come pick up a gift card and the address of a Blessing Box to deliver a non-perishable Christmas dinner to an assigned Blessing Box a couple days leading up to Christmas. Outreach will provide the gift card for the dinner and assign you a Blessing Box.
Cookies for Shut-ins
Drop off store bought Christmas cookies on Saturday, December 17th at the church at 9 AM.
Cookie and Christmas Tree Delivery
Help deliver cookies and Christmas Trees to the John Wesley Shut Ins on December 17th from 10-11. Meet at the church at 10.
Homeless Blanket Bundles
Purchase fleece blanket and fill it with hygiene products, hat, gloves, and protein bars. Roll the blanket up. Blanket rolls can be dropped off to John Wesley UMC on Friday, December 17th between the hours of 9-11 AM.
Shoebox for Jesus Birthday Party
This mission is for the kids! Fill and wrap a plastic shoe box (wrap the lid separately) with toys, hygiene products, kid socks, and non-perishables. Please label the box with gender and age. We will collect the boxes at John Wesley on December 17th from 9-11 AM. Check out this page for suggestions of age-appropriate items to put in the shoebox.
December 25th
We provide breakfast for the men staying at The Star Gospel Mission on the 4th Sunday of each month. If you can help with this on Christmas Day or any other fourth Sunday, contact Noah Boudolf.