Thanksgiving turkey boxes


  We are excited to be able to put together our Thanksgiving Food Boxes again this year. Each box will contain all the ingredients for a traditional Thanksgiving meal, including a ham or turkey and a dessert. Our goal this year is 32 boxes going to 32 families!

This year we would like families (or it could be a couple of families working together) to sponsor a food box. Your family or group would get a box, decorate it, and fill it with items for a traditional Thanksgiving meal, including a dessert. I have a checklist for each box that I am happy to provide you for shopping purposes and the children who have helped in the past are very good at selecting items from the list and filling the box.

Children’s Ministries will provide a turkey or ham for each box. We will also decorate and fill 5 boxes as part of our Wonderful Wednesday programming in November, and the children will write notes and color pictures to go in each box.
The boxes will be due back at JW on or before Wednesday, November 17 at 5 p.m.

At our Wonderful Wednesday that night, we will bless the boxes and pray for the families who will receive them. The week of Thanksgiving, Hope will add the turkeys / hams and facilitate the deliveries.

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