Thanksgiving food drive

Now is the time to start bringing in items for the Thanksgiving food baskets our children will assemble in the weeks before Thanksgiving. Bring your non-perishable donations and leave them in the boxes in front of the hall office on or before November 15th, 2023. Children’s Ministry Director Hope Murphy is also accepting monetary donations to help offset the cost of turkeys and hams.
Last year we were able to collect food for 32 Thanksgivoing meals. Let’s top that this year.
Here’s a list of items that go into each Thanksgiving food box:
- 2 bags or boxes of stuffing
- 2 cans pumpkin pie filling
- 1 can or bag of sweet potatoes
- 2 cans of corn
- 2 cans of green beans
- 1 box or loaf of bread or muffin mix
- 2 packets, cans or jars of turkey gravy
- 1 bag or box of pasta for macaroni & cheese
- 2 cans of peas
- 2 cooking soups
- 1 large or 2 small bags of rice
- 1 box, bag or can of potatoes
- a few staple items
- one dessert item
The ministry team will add a turkey or ham to each box before delivery.