Registration now open for summer sports camp and VBS

scenes from sports camp

Get your children involved with John Wesley UMC this summer with two programs designed especially for children. Our youth also serve as counselors, coaches and companions. Adult helpers are also needed and can register below.

Here’s how to register.

sports-camp logo with four balls

SUMMER 2024 Sports Camp (July 15 – 18):  
Featuring Soccer, Basketball, Flag Football & Tennis) July 15 – 19 (Mon. – Thurs.)
5 – 8 p.m. at Lenevar Park

For Boys and Girls ages 4- 8th grade    /   $80 per camper, all proceeds go to missions for and by children

Register for sports camp

Camp Firelight - Vacation Bible School logo

Vacation Bible School (July 22-26)
Age 4  years – 5th grade (MUST be 4 by start of camp)
9 a.m.  – 12 p.m. Monday – Friday

Register for Vacation Bible School

Youth and Adult volunteers – join us. We need you.

This summer at our VBS / KWTP week we will show kids that they can trust God no matter what situation life brings!  And we need volunteers to lead the way on our Camp Firelight adventure.  

Sign up to help with Vacation Bible School.


Adults leading a class of children

scenes from sports camp, Montreat and VBS

Events thru July 2024

In addition to Sunday worship, Sunday night Youth and Wednesday...

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Holy Week Services 2024

We worship each Sunday morning at 8:30 and 11 AM. ...

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