Sunday Seminar studies C.S. Lewis book

Sunday Seminar

On June 6 the Sunday Seminar will begin an 8-week study of C.S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce (of heaven from hell). This captivating, classic, allegorical tale depicts damned spirits who are given a vacation away from Hell in order to proceed toward Heaven, where they are invited to stay forever. During their journey, they are persuaded by people they formerly knew, relatives and friends, to come with them up the mountain to enjoy a blissful, eternal life. What’s the catch? They must leave behind what’s keeping them in Hell and accept the love of God.

C.S. Lewis was arguably the most influential and most often quoted Christian writer of the 20th century, and this selection by the much revered and masterful author should be intriguing, entertaining, insightful and rewarding.

The seminar takes place each Sunday this summer during the Sunday School h our. Everyone is welcomed to participate in room 203 at 9:40 A.M. each week beginning the Sunday after Memorial Day. Please contact Wayne Murrah or email  if interested.

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[audio mp3=""][/audio] EASTER SUNDAY Service Join us for the most...

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