Mission Projects during Lent

During Lent, we are asking the congregation to participate in two mission projects to aid fellow citizens in the Lowcountry.
Filling 250 Easter Baskets
We are doing a big push to get in all the items we need to in order to do our biggest Easter Basket Project ever this year! We are trying to put together 250 baskets! We are focusing on having children bring in one item each week. However, if you want to bring several items at one time, that fine too. Pick up anything you’d normally put in an Easter Basket. We will need 250 buckets/baskets, 250 chocolate bunnies, 250 small stuffed animals and enough other small toys coloring books, candy, etc to fill the 250 baskets. Eggs and Easter grass will also be needed.
Please bring your donations to Wednesday Night Out or drop them off during the week. There are collection bins outside the office for your donations.
Deadline is March 17th. The children at Wednesday Night Out (WNO) will put together the baskets for less fortunate children in our community on March 13 and March 20.
Lowcountry Orphan Relief Project
Operation: Help us stock the LowCountry Orphan Relief Closet
Children are a precious gift from God. As adults, we have the privilege and responsibility to care for them and pray for all children’s protection and safety and to help children around us live the full and abundant life God desires for them.
The LowCountry Orphan Relief is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and neglect.
The vision of LowCountry Orphan Relief is that no child should be without the basic necessities in life, regardless of their life circumstances.
We are asking the members of John Wesley UMC to help LowCountry Orphan Relief provide these necessities by donating any of the items below to help them keep their supply closet filled.
Currently there is a dire need for the following:
- School Uniform Tops (uniform tops can be purchased from Amazon, Target or Walmart or Once Upon a Child) Bottoms are needed as well. Sizes needed, 5T – Adult S, M, L Type: Unisex Short Sleeved polo shirts – Color: White or Navy
- Ethnic Hair Care Preferred brand is Cantu
- Socks Sizes needed – Youth
- Backpacks & School Supplies
We will collect items until Monday, April 1.
We hope you will join us in this mission. Please place all donated items in the box labeled Outreach Lenten Mission Project in the hall outside the Church Office.
Thank you! Any questions please contact Gay Burdick, Outreach Team Leader, at longlkburd@aol.com