Sunday School Classes
Grow deeper connections with others in Sunday School. Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 between the early worship and the contemporary service. Most classes generally have people within the same age range and can have from 8 to 40 members. One exception is our Sunday Seminar, a focused study on a Christian book or an issue Christians face, which draws people from all ages.
People often visit several Sunday School classes to find the one that suits them. Visitors are always welcome to any class. Check out the classes on our Sunday School page.

Bible Studies
The pastors or other church members lead occasional Bible studies on Wednesday nights after the WNO meal. A women’s Bible study group meets on Thursdays. Other studies are offered from time to time.
Here is a listing of Bible Study Groups schedule to begin in January 2025.
Announcements of new Bible studies are posted on the website, our Facebook page and in our weekly eblast.
Music ministry
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Whether you sing or play an instrument, you can be a vital part of the worship at John Wesley. Music Director Margaret Downs is always looking for new voices for the choir. If you can’t carry a tune, you can ring a handbell.
And if you play an instrument — violin, guitar or bass — there’s a place for you in our music ministry in either our traditional or contemporary worship services.

United Methodist Women
The United Methodist Women put their love of God and love for each other to work through group worship, raising money for missions and supporting local charities. John Wesley’s UMW is composed of several smaller groups of similar ages called circles. These circles range from new moms to grandmothers and everything in between.
United Methodist Men
The mission of the United Methodist Men is to grow in Christ so that they can help others grown in Christ. The UMM focuses on four areas:
- developing as leaders
- reviving congregations
- advocating for the poor
- improving global health.