Children & Youth Events – January – April

It’s always a busy season at John Wesley UMC for children and youth. If you would like more information about any of these activities, email or contact one of these ministry directors directly:
Youth Ministry contact –
Children’s Ministry contact –
Music Ministry contact –
Activities for children
Friday, March 11 – Friday Night in the Gym
This parents’ night out runs from 6:30 – 9 pm for ages 4 through 5th graders. Younger siblings or younger children may attend with a parent. There will be a movie on the big screen and pizza, popcorn and treats for everyone.
Admission is a donation of items for our Easter Basket Project. (That includes Easter baskets or buckets and things that go in them such as small stuffed animals and toys, candy, coloring books and crayons, small books, pencils and similar items. We will also accept monetary donations to offset the cost of the pizza and supplies.)
RSVP by Tuesday, March 8th. Contact Youth Ministry contact – or sign up at
Ongoing till March 15, 2023 – The Easter Basket Project collections
We are collecting items to fill 150+ Easter baskets to donate to less fortunate preschool children in our area. Help us help others. Bring donations to the office of the Director of Children’s Ministries.
Saturday, April 1 – Easter Egg Hunt
The annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday from 10 – 11:30 am. Meet in the Leisure Ministries Room for treats and fun before the hunt begins. The Easter Bunny will be there for pictures so bring your camera. And, of course, bring a friend.
Youth Activities
Sundays 5 -7 PM – Youth Group
Youth in 6th grade through High School meet most Sunday evenings except when there are out-of-town activities. Come and bring a friend.