MayDay PlayDay highlights parables


The children and youth will be in charge of the services on Sunday, May 1 for the 2022 May Day Play Day service. The children’s choirs will be presenting the musical “Once Upon a Parable” at 8:30 and 11:30 in the sanctuary.

MayDay PlayDay is a fun and long-running tradition at John Wesley which puts the youth and children at the center of worship. Ages from post-toddlers to teens will be taking part in the musical retelling of some of the beloved parables of Jesus including the Prodigal Son, the Lost Sheep and Zaccheus.

Thanks to the Music Ministries and Youth Ministries teams for organizing the rehearsals, costumes and narratives for this family friendly day of worship.

Come and bring your friends and children.

Below is an excerpt from our 2021 MayDay PlayDay when we were still meeting in the Leisure Ministries Room before the sanctuary was finished.


The Season of Advent - 2024

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