May at John Wesley UMC

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Celebration of Women

From MayDay PlayDay to Memorial Day, the month is full of special activities at John Wesley UMC. Please join us for some or all of these events.

May 1

MayDay PlayDay  – A children’s musical about the parables of Jesus. Children and youth will lead the services in the sanctuary at 8:30 and 11 AM.  May Day Play Day 21
There will be no contemporary service on May 1st. Following the 11 AM service, the United Methodist Men will host a cookout on the grounds.

Servant Tour 2022 Kickoff – 5 PM – Leisure Ministries Room. -Learn more about the summer youth projects including Benchwarmers, Salkchatchie, International Missions, Vacation Bible School, Sports Camp, Acolyting, Star Gospel Mission and other projects. To kick off the event, Youth Ministry Director David Boudolf has invited three speakers: Rev. Mario Platt, CEO of Star Gospel Mission; Judith, a volunteer with Holy City Missions, and Rev. Lane Glaze, CEO of One Eleuthera USA.

May 7

Saturday Servants — Meet at the church at 9 AM to get food and fill the Blessing Boxes at the church and in West Ashley.

May 8

Mother’s Day – The men (of all ages) will make up the choir for the 8:30 and 11 am worship services.  All men are urged to come to a special rehearsal on Wednesday, May 4th at 7 PM to practice raising their voices for Jesus and for all the mothers, grandmothers and women in the congregation.

May 9

honey bee on flowerCelebration of Women – A special dinner and gathering open to all women in the church. One feature of the program will be presentation of the Young Women In Missions Award.

Also Pat Day, a noted beekeeper in Charleston, will present a special program on  honeybees and what we can do to foster their well-being as stewards of our environment.


May 22

Graduation Sunday – We will honor our graduates of area high schools and colleges during the 8:30 and 11 AM services.

Riverdogs Family Night – Members of the John Wesley UMC family will attend the Riverdogs game and cheer them on as they play Augusta GreenJackets.

altar shrouded in purple

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