Come worship with us on Easter Sunday

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Congregation on Easter Sunday morning

Easter Sunday Services

8:30 – 9:45 – 11 AMTraditional worship in the Sanctuary

11 AM – Contemporary worship in the Leisure Ministries Room


ontemporary worship with altar

Join us for the most glorious day of the church year. We will have four services — three traditional in the sanctuary and a contemporary service in the Leisure Ministries Room. Services will be 45 minutes to allow for arrivals and departures without creating parking problems. All are welcome. Come and bring your friends and family

The following activities are scheduled for Holy Week leading up to Easter.

April 1


Easter Egg Hunt on the lawn

All children and their parents are welcome to join the annual Easter Egg Hunt on the lawn before the beginning of Holy Week. The Easter Bunny will be there as well as a photographer to capture the magic moments with the children.

April 2

8:30 and 11 am

HOLY WEEK – Palm Sunday

The start of Holy Week — the annual Palm Sunday service — features the children of the church processing in and waving palm branches. Services in the santuary are at 8:30 and 11 am. The contemporary service in the Leisure Ministries Room is at 11 am.

April 6

7-8 PM

HOLY WEEK – Maundy Thursday – Communion Service

The Maundy Thursday communion service reminds us of the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples before he was betrayed by Judas.

April 7

3 PM

HOLY WEEK – Friday Youth Cross Walk

Youth in the church provide a poignant reminder of Good Friday by carrying the three crosses along Savannah Highway as a witness to passersby of the significance of this day.

April 7

7-8 PM

HOLY WEEK – Good Friday Service

This somber service at dusk reminds us of the passion of Christ as he suffered on the cross. The service features the last words of Christ and ends with stripping the altar of all appointments as the lights gradually are extinguished.  The congregation then leaves the darkened sanctuary in silence.


altar shrouded in purple

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